merry and bright

A week before Christmas and the house is decorated, gifts wrapped, baking almost done. I am the first one up most days and our Christmas tree lights are on a timer, so when I came to the living room one morning, the only lights on were from the tree. I wanted to capture a picture. Then I turned on the little angel I had posed in my picture and took it again and was amazed at the difference between images!

It only takes a small amount of light to change how you to observe your surroundings. Jesus came into the world as the Light of the world (1 John 1:5, Isaiah 9:2) and we are to reflect Him to those around us (2 Corinthians 3:18, Matthew 5:14-16).

Turning on such a tiny light of our angel ornament affected the way the camera observed its surroundings to the degree seen above, where colours are completely different, was quite a surprise and is a great visual reminder of how our life as a follower of Jesus can to affect our community. Even if our individual little light doesn’t seem like much, if it is Jesus shining through us the effects will be radical.

Christmas is a season when our neighbours are more likely to be open to generosity and kindness, so may what we share be the kind of light that is based in Jesus, His eternal and unconditional love, the true light of the world. As the children’s Sunday School song says, “This little light of mine, I’m going to let it shine!” This Little Light of Mine

May your season be Merry and Bright!

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